Talking Angels with Shawn Bolz - by Charity Kayembe

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Have you ever noticed how many supernatural visions surrounded the birth of Jesus? Both during the day, and at night while asleep, people were being visited by angels, receiving prophetic revelation, and having interactive conversations with the company of heaven.

Last week, Shawn Bolz and I got together to talk about this, and what it all has to do with our everyday lives. What can we learn from the examples of Zacharias and Mary and Joseph and the shepherds? What are the takeaway principles for us? How is it relevant, and why do we care?

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A Christmas Dream: Santa & the Supernatural by Charity Kayembe

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I was blessed that the Elijah List posted my last blog on seeing in the spirit. I’ve received some wonderful feedback from readers who are using the article in their intercessors’ groups and prayer teams to teach that it IS biblical to look for vision. So thankful the message is resonating and these principles are being put into practice!

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Thanksgiving Greeting from the CWG Staff

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O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever!

No matter what is going on in the world or in our personal lives, God’s people will always:

              Make a joyful noise unto the LORD…!

Serve the LORD with gladness: come before His presence with singing!

Know ye that the LORD He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves;

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Christmas Devotionals (25 of 25) by Jason Major

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“Come closer to Me.  I see you standing outside, not sure whether to come in. Your focus is on a thousand things at once ‘what must I do first?’ ‘Where should I go first?’ ‘What about this?’ ‘What about that?’ There is free time to visit Me, right now. I am here with you, to spend time with you.”

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Christmas Devotionals (23 of 25) by Jason Major

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Read MATTHEW 2:23

“Come to the door; and knock on the door.  Look around you in the vision; it is snowing outside.  It is beautiful isn’t it?  Be at rest; and come inside.  The fireplace is warm; and is ready to go.  How I have enjoyed spending all this time with you at My Christmas house.”

“I want to give you a big hug right now; and hold you tightly in My love. For I know the thoughts and plans for your future, to give you hope and to give you joy.”

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Christmas Devotionals (22 of 25) by Jason Major

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Father, what do You want to tell me about the Nativity Story today?

“Walk to the gates of Christmas Mountain again; and come closer to the Father’s house.  Come, come inside the house, and see the fire burning.  You see Me coming to you, and you sitting down back on the sofa, to hear more about the story of the Nativity; to see things you’ve not seen before.”

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Christmas Devotionals (21 of 25) by Jason Major

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Read LUKE 2:1-7

“Think back to Mary and Joey, and day one of the Birth of Jesus. Remember, Joseph was a carpenter, not a warrior. He was an unknown in the world at the time, as was Mary. Neither of these two had the money, resources or the power or authority to change the world.  All they had was this simple baby that had been born, and the responsibility to take care of it and nurture the baby and watch it grow.”

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Christmas Devotionals (20 of 25) by Jason Major

Mark Virkler's picture


“My child, remember the keys again to hearing My voice and hearing My heart.  Still your heart, listen and hear the quiet roar of the fireplace, the quiet music playing in the background.”

“Step back into the Christmas house, as I share with you another layer of the Christmas story.  Here you are with so many thousand questions on your heart, and here I am to say to you to spend time with Me, value this time, and know that it is worthwhile.”

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